I have over 25 years’ experience in organizational and personnel management experience with a concentration in the construction industry. This experience was obtained through direct employment with two major municipal agencies in New York City. From the construction purview I have managed all types of construction projects from exception to completion. As my job titles increased, I have and currently manage levels of project managers that have oversight on assorted types of capital construction projects, including new buildings and additions; infrastructure and utilities, mechanical, plumbing and electrical upgrades, major interior and exterior modernizations.
My current body of work includes managing Senior PMs, PMs, APM, Construction Management and Program management Firms, as well as, architecture and engineering design firms. All, whose goal is to oversee the synergistic completion of these projects on time, within budget with the goals of safety compliance and high quality performance as main priorities. The dollar value of the construction portfolio that I oversee is estimated at 300 million dollars per year.
Also, co-scripted within my role, I am responsible to the personnel management as it relates to the employees that I supervise. These duties include making final determinations on hiring, training, reassignment, employee evaluations and discipline. I also create plans for improved employee productivity and maximizing staff performance. I am responsible for the management and performance of 100 employees.
This is achieved though monitoring employee performance and developing policy and procedure to meet agency goals and objectives geared towards improving the key performance indicators to facilitate successful deliverables.
This is also the nature of my consulting firm, Dan CM Consulting, LLC. If you know anyone in the market for construction administration services my website is and I can forward to you the business contact info.
I have over 25 years’ experience in organizational and personnel management experience with a concentration in the construction industry. This experience was obtained through direct employment with two major municipal agencies in New York City. From the construction purview I have managed all types of construction projects from exception to completion. As my job titles increased, I have and currently manage levels of project managers that have oversight on assorted types of capital construction projects, including new buildings and additions; infrastructure and utilities, mechanical, plumbing and electrical upgrades, major interior and exterior modernizations.
My current body of work includes managing Senior PMs, PMs, APM, Construction Management and Program management Firms, as well as, architecture and engineering design firms. All, whose goal is to oversee the synergistic completion of these projects on time, within budget with the goals of safety compliance and high quality performance as main priorities. The dollar value of the construction portfolio that I oversee is estimated at 300 million dollars per year.
Also, co-scripted within my role, I am responsible to the personnel management as it relates to the employees that I supervise. These duties include making final determinations on hiring, training, reassignment, employee evaluations and discipline. I also create plans for improved employee productivity and maximizing staff performance. I am responsible for the management and performance of 100 employees.
This is achieved though monitoring employee performance and developing policy and procedure to meet agency goals and objectives geared towards improving the key performance indicators to facilitate successful deliverables.
This is also the nature of my consulting firm, Dan CM Consulting, LLC. If you know anyone in the market for construction administration services my website is and I can forward to you the business contact info.
I have over 25 years’ experience in organizational and personnel management experience with a concentration in the construction industry. This experience was obtained through direct employment with two major municipal agencies in New York City. From the construction purview I have managed all types of construction projects from exception to completion. As my job titles increased, I have and currently manage levels of project managers that have oversight on assorted types of capital construction projects, including new buildings and additions; infrastructure and utilities, mechanical, plumbing and electrical upgrades, major interior and exterior modernizations.
My current body of work includes managing Senior PMs, PMs, APM, Construction Management and Program management Firms, as well as, architecture and engineering design firms. All, whose goal is to oversee the synergistic completion of these projects on time, within budget with the goals of safety compliance and high quality performance as main priorities. The dollar value of the construction portfolio that I oversee is estimated at 300 million dollars per year.
Also, co-scripted within my role, I am responsible to the personnel management as it relates to the employees that I supervise. These duties include making final determinations on hiring, training, reassignment, employee evaluations and discipline. I also create plans for improved employee productivity and maximizing staff performance. I am responsible for the management and performance of 100 employees.
This is achieved though monitoring employee performance and developing policy and procedure to meet agency goals and objectives geared towards improving the key performance indicators to facilitate successful deliverables.
This is also the nature of my consulting firm, Dan CM Consulting, LLC. If you know anyone in the market for construction administration services my website is and I can forward to you the business contact info.

AGARD, TRACIA J. - Try, Ari, Try
Neils Road, Highway 4, Rouen, Barbados

1 (246) 237-5117
Neils Road, Haggatt Hall, St. Michael, Barbados

MOREH MICAHYAH BEN YEHUDA - Priest, Music & Supervisory Manager, Steering Committee Member
Moreh MicahYah ben Yehuda (aka Michael Thompson), the Chief Priest of Zion House of Israel Temple, Barbados, is the host and visionary for this virtual conference. His leadership of the temple commenced in 2013 after the transition of Cohen Ovadiah (aka Rabbi Carl Austin), who had envisioned a conference which would bring Hebrew Israelites from all over the world together in Barbados.
The Moreh was trained in Hebrew and Torah teachings by Moreh Shmuel, who represented the Hebrew Israelites Community of Guyana. Since then Moreh MicahYah has become an astute Torah teacher with relevant application to current events. Having studied Supervisory Management at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus School of Business, Moreh MicahYah is no stranger to managing projects. During his seven years as Moreh (Spiritual Teacher), he initiated the Genesis Organic Farming Project, recently extended to the Joseph Project which encompasses additional lands and includes produce and medicinal herbs for domestic usage and foreign export. Some of his organic growing techniques were learned when he participated in the World Forum, held in Dimona, Israel in 2010.

The State of The World Forum, held in Dimona, Israel from the 29th of May to the 1st of June, 2010 was presented by the Divine Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Moreh MicahYah is also a standing member for Health & Wellness of the Israelite Community Vision Council (ICVC) operating under the International Board of Rabbis.
Stemming out of the "Genesis" project, he also opened the Soul Vegetarian Restaurant, to provide healthy food options for local residents and meaningful employment for his congregants. Although these projects were met with many challenges, the Moreh remained steadfast and purposeful. His experiences would have exposed him to life all around the world, which helped him to look at adversity from a unique perspective. As a professional entertainer/singer, under the name "Mike Thompson" for the past 50 years, he spent 25 years performing in Canada's music scene; toured the world as lead singer of the band "Troubadours International"; and using his Recording Arts Management certification, from Harris Institute of the Arts in Canada, he currently manages artists within his company Spar1 Music Management Inc. Even when the entertainment field was his primary focus, "Mike Thompson" had interest in people empowerment, as seen by his involvement in community work in Toronto, Canada which included community centres, and organizations such as Make Poverty History and the Roots Cultural Foundation. Moreh MicahYah has combined his abilities as a spiritual leader, manager and entertainment specialist to launch a multi-faceted conference that encompasses the world.
NWPO - State of the World Forum Speech in Dimona, Israel - May 2010

TRACIYAH BAHT YEHUDA - Educator, Counsellor, Steering Committee Member
Tracia Agard-Thompson (aka Traciyah Baht Yehuda) is a U.S. trained Counsellor from Barbados, who specialises in counselling students from elementary school to college level and developing programmes for their holistic development. She has a BSc. in Psychology from the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus in Barbados and a M.A. in Counselling in Educational Settings from Rowan University in New Jersey where she received the Dr. Hector Rios Humanitarian Award. Traciyah has spent over 20 years in youth work, initiating, developing and coordinating community programmes. During her early professional life, she served as a Christian Pastor, Trainer of Ministers and Youth Director. She is now part of the Hebrew Israelite way of life and joins her husband Moreh MicahYah in ministry at Zion House of Israel Temple in Barbados. She was recently honoured with the Chief Rabbi Matthew Community Service Award. She has worked with students of various age groups throughout the Caribbean and North America, offering counselling, academic and career services. Currently, Traciyah is the Founder & Program Director of STEP UP Academie through which she has developed an educational model that ensures student success in the multi-faceted aspects of education and life. She is also the author of the book: "Try, Ari, Try!" designed to teach perseverance to young children. Her passion is human development and desires to see everyone live up to their full potential.
GREGORY "GAVRIEL" GILL - IT Specialist, Steering Committee Member
A graduate of Harrison College, Gregory obtained a Barbados Scholarship in 1989 which enabled him to attend Columbia University in New York. He graduated in 1994 with a degree in Computer Science, and went on an internship with I.B.M. before returning to Barbados in 1996.
He went to work for the Government Data Processing Department and subsequently became Manager of Information Systems at the National Housing Corporation. After 8 years at the NHC, Gregory left to work at a Canadian Offshore Company, which he still does today, in addition to running his own company, SoftWareHouse Inc.
Gregory came into the Hebrew way of life in 2014.

ZACCAR DAN - Priest, Educator, Planner, Steering Committee Member
Zaccar Dan has dedicated the majority of his life to spiritual enlightenment while uplifting his community. He is a minister that seeks to guide individuals, through spiritual healing, to determine a path back to God. He has studied Hebrew for more than 25 years and has taught it to many learning levels at his place of worship.
Zaccar, also gives of himself to, Ahm Zadik and Shomray HaBreet, two Brooklyn based community organizations. He arranges sporting tournaments, disaster relief drives, food and clothing drives, and enrichment outings, such as museums, theme parks and many other community events.
Zaccar moderates panel discussions on a variety of social injustice topics and participates in many venues aimed at uplifting communities through spiritual, social and financial empowerment.
He is also developing a website, “Before These Shores.” The goal is to determine, through research and historical reference, the in-depth historical past of the captives associated with the transatlantic slave trade.
As Zaccar’s social time is filled with many responsibilities, he has also been active in his faith based and innercity community. He mentors multiple New York City High School students, through programs aimed at guiding “at risk” youth regarding the pitfalls facing inner city youth. The goal is to guide these young men and women to overcome those obstacles to obtain a college education and begin a fulfilling career.
Zaccar holds an MBA, a Bachelor of Technology in Facilities Management, an A.A.S in Construction Management Technology and Construction Manager Certification, C.C.M. Zaccar, through the firm he co-founded, Dan CM Consulting, provides organizational and construction management consulting, as a professional service to assist small to medium sized companies to compete in an extremely competitive market. Please feel free to read more at
As a career professional, Zaccar Dan has over 25 years of experience in organizational and personnel management with a concentration in the construction industry. This experience was obtained through direct employment with two major municipal agencies in New York City.
From the construction purview Zaccar has managed all types of construction projects from inception through completion. As his career progressed, he has managed higher levels of construction professionals that have oversight on various types of construction projects. This includes new buildings and additions, infrastructure and utilities, mechanical, plumbing and electrical upgrades, and major interior and exterior modernizations.
Zaccar’s current body of work includes managing Senior PMs, PMs, APMs, Construction and Program Management firms, as well as, architecture and engineering firms. All, whose goal is to administer to the synergistic completion of these projects on time, within budget with the goals of safety compliance and high quality performance as main priorities. His team maintains oversight on an estimated $ 600 million per year construction portfolio. This includes projects funded due to major municipal initiatives.
Co-scripted within this role, he is responsible for personnel management as it relates to the employees that he supervises. These duties include making final determinations on hiring, training, reassignment, employee evaluations and discipline. He has implemented plans for improved employee productivity and maximizing staff performance. He is responsible for the management and performance of 100 employees.
For Zaccar Dan, it has always been important to give back to the community, he feels giving back is among one of the most valuable and important deeds people should do.
BATHSHEBAYAH BAHT LEVI - Web design, Planner, Steering Committee Member
The eldest daughter of Moreh MicahYah, BathshebaYah's spiritual journey began at the age of 14 when she was moved to no longer proceed with "Confirmation" following her graduation from the Catholic Elementary School that she attended.
BathshebaYah holds a BA in Sociology and Equity Studies. A member of the Young Broker’s Council, she is affiliated with The Insurance Institute of Ontario, and is a Registered Insurance Broker in Ontario. She has acquired her Chartered Insurance Professional; Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker accreditations and obtained her Canadian Risk Management designation. BathshebaYah has over two decades of knowledge and exposure in a wide spectrum of the insurance industry, she manages a large multi-million dollar asset protection program with a global insured value in excess of $6billion dollars. and is responsible for coordinating professional conduct meetings with insurers and legal counsel to quell litigation concerns. Viewed as a resident expert for complex data projects, BathshebaYah has a proven track record for producing measurable results as her claims experience analyses have successfully facilitated efforts in account remarketing, client retention and acquisition of new business through her creative presentation of loss data.
An entrepreneur and licensed "life-changing" agent, along with her younger sister she is financial fitness coach currently in Ontario and Alberta. As a community champion of Financial Literacy, BathshebaYah incorporates health and wellness concepts to personal finances educating to enhance, enable and empower families to make healthier fiscal decisions towards the creation of generational wealth.
Despite a hefty workload, BathshebaYah still finds time to give back to the community. Not only has she been the Finance Coordinator/Secretary for the firm’s employee United Way and the Women in Insurance Cancer Crusade (WICC) campaigns, she is also quite the artiste developing and designing the conference program materials and Zion House website.
She is the recipient of the Visions of Excellence Eva Smith Award for her community activism. Working in collaboration with agencies such as Springboard Canada she has worked on re-entry mentorship programs for youth formerly incarcerated which has served to help them complete their community hours and gain transferable skills towards their reintegration into the workforce. Recognized and endorsed by then Police Superintendent Keith Forde, she is an anti-violence advocate. Along with her friend, she is in the process of co-authoring a book and creating a not-for-profit organization as a direct response to the social ills that are leading to a "trauma culture" and the adverse impact plaguing our "black" communities.

MONICA HAYNES-SISAY - Community Liaison, Steering Committee Member
Monica Haynes-Sisay was born in London, England in the United Kingdom to Barbadian parents and is the youngest of 3 children. Monica attended Aylestone High School in London and Midwood High School in Brooklyn (after immigrating to New York with her parents and brother). It was in New York when her spiritual journey began. She became a devoted reader of the "Old Testament" and believed within herself that she was an Israelite. She came across a book entitled THE KEBRA NAGAST (The Glory of Kings), which further confirmed her spiritual beliefs. While still on this path for identity confirmation it was The Most High who led her to the Commandment Keepers Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation in 1998 while vending at the Harlem Day Parade with an Ethiopian friend.
After speaking with the spiritual leader there, Rabbi Yahonatan (of blessed memory) her beliefs were finally confirmed and she found her new spiritual home. She and her children began attending weekly Shabbat services and observed all the Holy Days and they all became members of that congregation. THE KEBRA NAGAST book also inspired her to reach out to the Ethiopian Beta Israel communities in Ethiopia and Israel and she eventually took 3 trips to Ethiopia beginning in 2000 to connect with them. She fell in love with the people, the country and their culture. On her 2nd trip back to Ethiopia in 2005, Monica was accompanied by her mentor, Rabbi Hailu Paris (of blessed memory). During that trip they met and connected with the Beit Avraham community of Kechene Village in Addis Ababa. In 2008 she returned to Addis Ababa and observed and celebrated Purim with that community and also met with Professor Abiyi Ford (the son of the late Rabbi Arnold Josiah Ford, of blessed memory) and interviewed him on behalf of the International Israelite Board of Rabbis.
Since 2003, Monica has been attending Beth Shalom Hebrew Congregation in Brooklyn and is a Community Liaison for ICVC (Israelite Community Vision Council). She also attends The Zion House of Israel Temple in Barbados whenever she's on the island.
Monica worked 23 years as an Administrative Assistant for Janklow & Nesbit Associates Literary Agency in Manhattan and currently works part-time as a Customer Service Rep for a top-chain retail store. She has a deep passion for seeking out and making contact with various Israelite communities in Africa and enjoys international traveling. She loves being a new grandmother, witnessing the awakening of the Hebrew Israelite nation, Ethiopian cooking, and baking Challah bread for Shabbat.
Monica has 2 children and 1 granddaughter and lives in New York with her Ethiopian-Israeli husband.

COHANE HODAYAH BEN LEVI – Priest, Analytical Advisor, Steering Committee Member
Hodayah Stewart also known as Cohane Hodayah Ben Levi is a strong proponent of education. With a belief that successful students become successful adults, he has been a High School teacher for over 20 years. He takes great pride in facilitating the growth of his students, moulding them academically and morally. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and many years of experience teaching Psychology and Sociology. He is also a counselor and students regularly seek his advice and guidance on matters they are experiencing.
Hodayah is also a priest within the Levitical order of the Hebrew Family of Guyana. An effective communicator of the Bible, Hodayah is widely known for his practical and dynamic teaching style which helps people apply the timeless truths of Scripture to their everyday lives. He serves as speaker for the radio and online broadcast on behalf of the Hebrew Family of Guyana.
He and his wife, T’keyah (Melissa Stewart) , have been married for the past 15 years.